fjb, local currency: solo 1992-1998 (fayettenam)
the human hearts, civics (tight ship)
nothing painted blue, taste the flavor (shrimper)
info on older band and solo work; I have no idea who compiled the scarily complete discographies
official site
free music, discography, etc. here
- The February House, The Public Theater, 5/18/12
- Wonderful Town, Gallery Players, 5/12/12
- Matthew Welch, Borges and the Other, Roulette, 5/1...
- Guy de Cointet, Espahor Ledet Ko Uluner! and Five ...
- coo-coo rockin' time
- reading and releases
- agitourism
- lever
- my city was gone: chocolate martini edition
- Jack Viertel on Jerry Lieber